Social and financial aid
There are a series of financial aids intended for students but their existence is often ignored by the main people concerned, in particular because of the lack of information on the subject. However, the Federation of Francophone Students (FEF) has estimated the cost of a year of study at between €8,000 and €12,000, an amount that not everyone can afford.
Faced with the cost of housing, course materials and school fees, higher education is still difficult to access and financial aid, if not refinancing higher education, would be necessary to enable many people to complete their studies well. However, it is not easy to find your way through the maze of the various existing social aids. To find out more about social and financial aid, download our social guide which will inform you about the existing aid and how to access it.
Need financial help?
We have compiled for you a whole series of financing, subsidies and aid that you could obtain if you apply for it (and if you meet the conditions for granting).
Public social aid

It is a financial aid granted by the FWB under certain financial conditions, nationality, linked to the course of study,… It is the main student social aid and its criteria serve as a basis for the granting of numerous social aids.
Walloon Brabant grants financial aid for recipients of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation (all networks). If you are not domiciled in Walloon Brabant, do not hesitate to contact the administration of your province to find out about any existing financial aid.
The CPAS can intervene to grant an integration income generally as a "last resort". It is an allowance supposed to be connected to people who need it and who are not entitled to other aid mechanisms.
The monthly amount depends on your situation. However, it is important to note that obtaining the request varies from one CPAS to another (sometimes from one social worker to another). We therefore invite you to contact the CPAS in your home to find out the information that concerns you.
Conditions for the year 2023
- Attend a full-time educational institution and be registered there as a regular student.
- Not be declared non-fundable by the university.
- Not hold real estate (other than personal housing) whose cadastral income and cumulative gross rent exceed €1,154.70.
- If the candidate student is dependent on one or more people, the income taken into account will be the income of all the members listed on the composition of the household (in Belgium).
Conditions for the year 2023
- Be domiciled in the province of Brabant-Wallon.
- Be enrolled in a short-type, long-type or university higher education establishment, organized or subsidized by the FWB.
- Be a recipient of a study allowance from the FWB.
Conditions for the year 2023
- Be either: of Belgian nationality, stateless person, recognized refugee, beneficiary of subsidiary protection, citizen of the European Union benefiting from a right of residence of more than three months and having stayed three months on the territory or be a foreigner registered in the population register.
- Être âgé de 18 ans minimum et avoir commencé vos études avant vos 25 ans. Ou être émancipé·e par le mariage, être enceinte ou avoir des enfants à charge.
- Legally reside in Belgium on a legal and permanent basis.
- Financial conditions: not having financial resources deemed sufficient to live on and not being able to obtain these resources at the time of application
- Be willing to work, unless your state of health or your specific situation does not allow it.
- Have asserted your rights to the allowances to which you are entitled under Belgian or foreign social legislation.
- Sign an integration contract or PIIS (Individualized Social Integration Project) with the CPAS.
How to apply?
You have to make an appointment with a social worker and start the process with him.
All conditions are available on the global site of CPAS. You can also contact the CPAS of the municipality where you live. For Louvain-la-Neuve, you can go to their site.
When should I apply?
There is no deadline for submitting the request to the CPAS.
How to apply?
- Online (recommended): electronic form available at the Walloon Brabant website.
- By letter : at Place du Brabant wallon, 2 – 1300 Wavre, Bâtiment Archimède.
- By mail to the following address : enseignement.provincial@brabantwallon.bebe
How to apply?
- Online (recommended): electronic form available at .
- By letter : downloadable form to print and send by registered mail with the certificates and annexes already in your possession available on
When should I apply?
The request must be submitted and validated from July and October 31 of the academic year concerned. Please note, it is advisable to submit your application as soon as possible, even if you do not yet have all of your requested certificates or annexes.
All the detailed conditions are available online on the website of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation
When should I apply?
The request must be submitted via the form and by email before 31/12/2023 at midnight. By post, the request must be made for 31/12/2023, the postmark serving as proof.
All the detailed conditions are available online on the Brabant Wallon website.
UCLouvain social assistance
UCLouvain provides two types of fee reduction:
- Legal intermediate rate – school fees = €374:
Reduction granted to students who meet the nationality criteria of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation and whose income does not exceed the ceilings of the legal intermediate rate. - Taux intermédiaire social des droits d’inscription – minerval = 374€ :
Réduction destinée aux étudiant·e·s qui ne peuvent bénéficier d’une allocation d’études de la FWB, ni d’une réduction des droits d’inscriptions au taux intermédiaire légal. La réduction des droits d’inscription dépend du revenu imposable de l’année précédente et du nombre de personnes à charge qui pourvoient à « l’entretien de l’étudiant·e.
The social team can grant a reduction on the rents of UCLouvain accommodation of €64 or €88. It is also possible – due to its situation – to be given priority in university accommodation.
The Student Support Service can grant aid to students, instead of or in addition to the FWB study allowance in order to help them finance their studies.
This concerns, among other things, financial aid to cover the cost of studies, aid for the purchase of a computer (from the second year of the bachelor's degree), intervention in medical costs not covered by the mutual insurance fund, exceptional assistance for unforeseen situations, rent assistance for married or couple students, reimbursement of "Pack en bloc" registration fees and summer courses (for students e s of BAC 1).
Conditions for the year 2023
- For statutory rate reduction:
- Be eligible for a study grant from the FWB.
- The income taken into account does not exceed the ceiling of the legal intermediate rate (€4,053 indexed each year).
- There will be no reduction in school fees if the holder of the income taken into consideration owns real estate whose cadastral income exceeds €589.98.
- For social rate reduction:
- Not being able to benefit from a study allowance from the FWB, nor from a reduction in registration fees at the legal rate, but consider themselves to be in a difficult financial situation.
- Make an appointment with a social worker of student support service who will decide according to the student's situation.
Conditions for the year 2023
- Be a Belgian or assimilated student.
- Be registered in 2023-2024 for a first or second cycle with a view to acquiring a first university degree.
- The social team will review the request based on the student's situation.
Conditions for the year 2023
- For international students (outside the EU): only exceptional assistance for unforeseen situations, intervention in medical expenses and rental assistance (for married students or singles with children) are accessible.
When should I apply?
La demande peut être faite à tout moment de l’année académique mais idéalement avant la date butoir des inscriptions à l’université, soit le 31/10.
When should I apply?
No later than July 28, 2023 for those who will be students at UCLouvain for the first time in 2023-2024 and no later than March 11, 2023 for registered students s in 2022-2023.
When should I apply?
The request can be made at any time during the academic year but ideally before the deadline for registration at the university, i.e. 31/10.
How to apply?
Your request must be submitted using a form to send to the Student Support Service accompanied by all the documents necessary for its analysis and pay €50 before October 31 to validate your registration. The rest of the school fees (reduced) will be payable by February 1 of the academic year.
Pour LLN, Woluwé, Saint-Gilles et Tournai :
Pour Mons :
How to apply?
By means of a downloadable form to be submitted on site or sent by post to the Help Service or Administrative Support Service for Students (Mons), accompanied by the appendices necessary for the examination of the application (indicated in the form).
How to apply?
You have to make an appointment with a social worker and start the process with him.
LLN : 010 47 20 02
Woluwé : 02 764 41 31
Saint-Gilles : 02 539 71 12
Mons : 065 32 32 25
Tournai : 069 85 78 17
What documents must be provided to submit a request for assistance
- The social assistance form duly completed and signed.
- A recent family composition (less than 3 months).
- A photocopy of the full disclaimer (tax year 2021, income 2020).
- The amount of family allowances for all children in the family (last account statement excluding back-to-school allowances).
- A copy of your transport ticket with the annual or monthly amount of the TEC, STIB or SNCB.
- A recto/verso photocopy of the study grant decision (if received).
- Exam results from the previous year as well as the course syllabus for the current or upcoming academic year.
- A certificate of registration for brothers / sisters in higher education (university or high school).
- A photocopy of the rental contract for the kot in 2022-2023.
- A photocopy of the rental agreement for your personal home and/or property rented to a third party.
- A photocopy of the warning extract from the 2021 roll with regard to property tax for each property.
- A photocopy of a recent payslip.
- A certificate to be completed by the employer.
- A certificate to be completed by the CPAS.
- A certificate showing the current monthly amount of unemployment, pension or INAMI.
- If the parents are divorced or separated:
- The complete judgment concerning the separation or divorce or an account statement proving the amount of the alimony received.
- Proof of income for the prospective new spouse.
What should I do if my request for allowance is refused?
In the event of refusal of study allowance or if you consider that its amount is unsuitable for the situation, it is possible for you to lodge an appeal by registered letter within 30 days of notification of the decision, to the Service of study allowance in charge of the instruction of the file. If you have not obtained satisfaction, you have 30 days to lodge an appeal with the Appeals Council of the Student Aid Service.
UCLouvain social assistance
The Student Support Service also offers services other than financial aid and reductions in school fees. It is also competent to meet other needs:

Psychological and pedagogical help
If you encounter difficulties that prevent you from completing your studies, you can ask to meet a psychologist for individual follow-up. Discussion groups are also organized on specific themes.

Health and quality of life
This service deals with questions and problems relating to food, vaccinations, contraception, disability, stress,... Individual consultations are organized, advice and expert advice are provided for students. s registered at UCLouvain.
Request an interview

UCLouvain offers special accommodations for students who cannot embark on a university course due to a disability, serious illness, attention or learning disorder, sports or artistic activity high level.
Apply for recognition

In the event of conflicts between students, between students and parents, or between students and third parties, students can call on the Help Service for mediation to restore dialogue with a view to arriving at a satisfactory solution for everyone.
Request mediation

Support for student activities
The animation team contributes, particularly in its extra-academic aspect, to making the student career an enriching and civic life experience. Example: baptism protocol, financial support for student projects, training, etc.
Find out about animation aids

Student job
The Jobs Service offers student jobs for UCLouvain students whether they are Belgian, residing in the European Union or even non-EU residents (whose job title will be directly linked in this case to the residence permit).