Psychological support

Are you going through a difficult time? Do you have a lot of questions about your life and studies? Do you have trouble dealing with stress and your emotions?

​So, you can get help from a professional to overcome this bad patch.

The UCLouvain aid service is here to help you (independently and confidentially from the university)!

Indeed, it has a service of psychological, pedagogical and re-orientation assistance.

Psychological help is currently free, you will find all the information, to make an appointment here .

It is obviously possible to find help, outside of the university context. You will find some clues here.

If your difficulties are more related to studies (choice, reorientation, etc.), psychological help can obviously help you, but you can also turn to various associations specialized in these themes, in particular the CIO.

All information can be found at this site.  

Are your difficulties related to a conflict with another student, your parents or someone else? The support service can organize a mediation, the objective of which is to discuss with the other person, in an adequate space, to find a solution. This option is only suitable if both people agree to participate and if there is no power struggle between the people.

Do not hesitate to consult this page to get more information.

Pssst, check out this page to find out: Aide psychologique, pédagogique et de ré-orientation | UCLouvain.

In any case, remember that you are not alone!