Legal dispositions
Below you will find all the legal, statutory and regulatory references:
Legal dispositions
The following rules are enacted by the Federal State or the French Community of Belgium:

Decree of the French Community of Belgium of September 21, 2012 relating to student participation and representation in higher education
It is this legal text that establishes student participation in the faculty and university bodies of the French Community. Before June 2003 - date of the first version of this decree - the participation of students in the various decision-making bodies of universities was not compulsory, but depended on the good will of the university authorities. Currently, thanks to this decree, each decision-making body must be composed of at least 20% of students (25% for teaching bodies).
Consult the law on the financing and control of university institutions

Law of 12 August 1911 granting legal personality to the "Catholic University of Louvain — Katholieke Universiteit te Leuven", to the "Free University of Brussels" and to the "Vrije Universiteit Brussel", and authorizing the "Catholic University of Louvain — Katholieke Universiteit te Leuven” to create a French-language university and a Dutch-language university, as modified by the law of May 28, 1970 and the decree of March 31, 2004.
This law gave legal personality to UCL and ULB; they therefore have a special legal status (like the FPMs), which is neither that of a state university (ULg and UMons), nor that of an ASBL (UNamur and Saint-Louis University).
Consult the law on UCLouvain and ULB

Landscape decree
Decree of the Wallonia-Brussels federation of 18 December 2013 defining the landscape of higher education and the academic organization of studies
It is via this text that the geographical poles and the ARES have been implemented in the French Community; it therefore gives fairly complete details of the various aspects of the organization of studies (baccalaureate, master's, doctorate, etc.).

Financing Act
Law of 27 July 1971 on the financing and control of university institutions
Statutory provisions
In any association, the articles of association are the basic rules by which it operates:

Wallonia-Brussels Academy
Statutes of the Académie universitaire Wallonie-Bruxelles

Louvain Academy
Agreement establishing the "Louvain" University Academy.

Wallonia-Europe Academy
Framework agreement between the Université de Liège and the Faculté universitaire des Sciences agronomiques de Gembloux governing relations within the Academy.
Consulter la convention
Regulatory provisions
Here are some other provisions governing the operation of our institution:
Charters :
Charter of commitment to sustainable development
Consult the charter