The Inclusiveness Commission
The Inclusivity (safe campus, and anti-discrimination) Commission, aka the ComInclu, is responsible for the AGL's reflection and action in the field of inclusivity, i.e. the promotion, fostering and defence of social minorities with the aim of ensuring their full integration into society, and therefore on the various campuses of UCLouvain.
It deals with a wide range of issues, such as fair access to opportunities, resources and means of representation for students, regardless of their sexual orientation, skin colour, ethnicity, religion, gender, disability, and so on. ComInclu will also aim to create a space for all students to express themselves freely, without social constraints, notably through concrete projects. These projects will be the result of teamwork.
The ComInclu is chaired by a committee chairperson. The AGL's Inclusivity vice-presidents act as a link between the Inclusivity Committee, the Committee and, more broadly, the AGL Council.
The AGL is also represented on a number of university bodies dealing with issues of inclusiveness: the Conseil Académque (CAC), which deals with major research and teaching issues, and the Conseil des affaires sociales étudiantes (CASE), which helps to define and implement the university's social policy, Univers Santé's ToutSEX'Plique platform, which deals with issues relating to emotional and sexual life on campus, and other working groups and committees that deal with specific subjects such as raising awareness of discrimination (racism, sexism, LGBTQIAP+phobias, validism, classism, Islamophobia, anti-Semitism, etc.), access to protection against discrimination, and so on. ), access to menstrual and sanitary protection for all, information and communication on these subjects, etc. In short, anything that has anything to do with Inclusivity, from near or far, including through the spectrum of intersectionality.
“Intersectionality is about fighting discrimination within discrimination, tackling inequalities within inequalities, and protecting minorities within minorities” – CIJ

Members of the commission
Vice-President Inclusiveness