Finding a room to study and work
Below you will find a list of auditoriums and rooms at the AGL and UCLouvain available for work and study, throughout the year and during blockades.

Fonctionnalité 1
- AuditoriumsCoubertin
- Auditoriums Sud
- Cyclotron
- Bibliothèque des sciences et technologie
- Rosa Luxembourg room (AGL)

- Bibliothèque de la Santé
- Séminaires Vecquée
- Séminaire Martin V
Liste et horaires des salles disponibles

- Learning Center (room available for hire in 2-hour blocks).
- Premises 11, 14 et 22.
- Premises 11, 18, 19 ,24 et 25 (Teamwork).
List and times of available rooms

During exam periods, rooms are available for study or work until closing time. You can make a special request to have a room opened by contactingVincent Filleul.