The permanents staff

Our three permanent staff, Ysaline, Bryan and Louis, are there to help you. Do not hesitate to contact them or come and visit them during their office hours!

The role of our permanent staff is to help the AGL run smoothly. They do a variety of jobs:

  • In-depth work on issues relating to higher education and the university in general (Paysage decree, organization of studies, social, sustainable development, quality of education, governance, etc.).
  • Legal aid for students who request it.
  • Assistance in the preparation of notes, reports, press releases, speeches and political positions.
  • Administrative support for student representatives: centralization and dissemination of information, archiving, secretariat, drafting of minutes, reception, etc.
  • Communication work: maintenance of the website, coordination of social networks, writing of articles, booklets and guides, layout and creation of visuals, assistance and coordination of promotional and/or awareness campaigns, etc.
  • Support for the organization of events and activities (seminars, training, student elections, etc.)
  • An advisory and support role for student representatives.

Louis Lanneau

Permanent in charge of graphics, communication and the website

Office hours

Monday : 8h00 à 16h30
Thesday : 8h00 à 16h30
Wednesday: 8h00 à 16h30
Thursday: 8h00 à 16h30

Book a slot for an appointment

Bryan Meganck

Permanent in charge of general coordination, accounting, room rental and HR

Office hours

​Monday: 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
​Wednesday: 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
​Thursday: 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
​​Friday: 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Book a slot for an appointment

Ange Navuzi

Permanent in charge of legal matters

Office hours

Mardi: 9h à 17h30
Mercredi : 9h à 16h30
Jeudi : 9h à 17h30
Vendredi: 9h à 17h30

Réserver un créneau pour un RD​​V


Prendre RDV avec l'un·e de nos permanent·es