Student elections
Every year, students are invited to elect their student representatives. These elections are a very important moment in student life. From the different programs, you can make your choice among the different candidates.
Your participation in these elections is very important. The higher the turnout, the greater the legitimacy of the representatives and the greater the LGA's influence in defending the rights of the student community with the authorities.
Apply as a candidate
Do you want to get involved in the student world and give meaning to your studies? Are students' rights essential to you, and are you ready to fight for them? Get involved and apply!
Submit a list
Would you like to get involved with other students who share the same opinions or values? Submit your list of candidates here!
Election results
Do you want to know the results and find out if you or the candidates in your heart are elected? Find out the election results here!
Election calendar
To make sure you don't miss any of the year's major events and election dates, click here.
Election regulations
The principles governing elections, which derive from the participation decree, are more exhaustively regulated in the electoral regulations, which you can read here.
Electoral Charter
The electoral charter sets out the main principles and values of the electoral regulations. Candidates undertake to read and respect it.
Student elections
Elections allow you to elect your representatives:
- Faculty Council This is the council that discusses and approves teaching and budgetary issues specific to your faculty. The presence of student voices on this council is essential. They are the ones who will sound the alarm if “anti-student” measures are taken!
- Council AGL members will defend students' interests within the university's bodies on global teaching issues, social issues (scholarships, minerval staggering, etc.), the ecological transition, sustainable development, etc.
- Site Council UCLouvain is made up of several sites: Louvain-la-Neuve (20,000 students), Bruxelles-Woluwé (Paramedical and Medicine with 6,000 students), Bruxelles Saint-Gilles (Architecture with 700 students), Tournai (Architecture with 400 students) and Mons (Management Engineering and Political Science with 1,300 students).
To ensure that the AGL is as close as possible to student representation, each of these sites has a council that manages “local affairs” for the site. Each site elects its own representatives. Want to find out more? Don't hesitate to call out to a red sweater if you see one on the street, or contact us by e-mail at And... happy voting!
What is the purpose of the electoral commission?
La commission électorale (ou Com’ Elec’) est le groupe organisateur des élections étudiantes. C’est elle qui met en place le règlement électoral et qui contrôle que la campagne et les élections se déroule en bonne et due forme.
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