Socio-cultural subsidies (SSC)

The AGL has funds available to subsidise socio-cultural activities involving students. For all the sites, the SSC Committee meets once every three weeks to award subsidies for cultural activities, events and sustainable development. The only time constraint is that we must receive your application BEFORE your event.

Priority will be given to activities taking place on UCLouvain sites. No subsidy will be given to cover the losses of an activity.

Please note that it is essential to consult the regulations governing the granting of socio-cultural subsidies before taking any action!

 SSC grant regulations  SSC budget sheet to fill in

Criteria and conditions

  • Have a social, cultural and/or sustainable development focus
  • Be open to a wide audience, mainly UCLouvain students.
  • Be innovative (it cannot be a 'normal' activity such as a weekly evening).
  • Mention the AGL logo on your visual productions promoting the activity (brochures, posters, Facebook events, etc.).
  • Requests may not exceed €500.

Applications sent without a budget and not mentioning the AGL's participation on the promotional elements will be systematically refused. Please also remember to submit your application sufficiently in advance so that you can make any necessary changes proposed by the committee. Please ensure that your application complies with the conditions set out in the grant regulations. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Projets approuvés en 2024-25

SSC request form

Un template de budget est disponible  ici.
Les visuels de votre évènement doivent mentionner la participation de l'AGL pour pouvoir bénéficier du subside sans quoi celui-ci se verra automatiquement refusé.
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