Rent the Joanne Simpson room
The Joanne Simpson room is located Place des Sciences, 1b in Louvain-la-Neuve.
It can accommodate a maximum of 120 people. This room is equipped with a bar, fridges, a sound system (optional) and a kitchen (optional). Rentals are reserved for socio-cultural initiatives or for the student community.
The room is accessible to people with reduced mobility.

Tarifs Semaine
Student prices for the room
€ 70 ,00
/ dayStudent prices for the kitchen
€ +30 ,00
Student rates for the sound system
€ +10 ,00
Non-student prices for the room
€ 140 ,00
/ dayNon-student prices for the kitchen
€ +60 ,00
Non-student rates for the sound system
€ +20 ,00
Tarifs Week-End
Tarifs étudiants pour la salle (WE - Ven, Sa, Di)
€ 105 ,00
/ WEStudent prices for the kitchen
€ +45 ,00
/ WE
Student rates for the sound system
€ +15 ,00
/ WE
Tarifs non-étudiants pour la salle (WE - Ven, Sa, Di)
€ 210 ,00
/ WENon-student prices for the kitchen
€ +90 ,00
/ WE
Non-student rates for the sound system
€ +30 ,00
/ WE
Location Week End
Please note: rentals for the weekend (from Friday included) are only made on the basis of a waiver, granted by the Vice-Rector for Student Affairs. Note that it is imperative to submit a rental request to the AGL BEFORE submitting the request for exemption.
Please follow the following procedure:
- 1. Submit a standard rental request via theonline formson the AGL website.
- 2. Receive confirmation that the rental has been granted to you.
- Introduire une demande de dérogation auprès du VRAE via le formulaire (qui se trouve here ou via l'intranet : en joignant la preuve de l’accord de l’AGL. Le formulaire doit être envoyé à l’adresse 15 jours au plus tard avant l’évènement.
- Se présenter aux permanences AGL avec les documents demandés ainsi que l’email (imprimé) faisant preuve de l’accord du VRAE.
Availability of the Joanne Simpson room
Equipement disponible dans la salle
- 68 chairs
- 11 tables of 8 personnes
- 15 benches
- 2 speakers and 1 sound system (optional)
- In the kitchen: 1 fridge, 1 dishwasher, 1 oven, 5 hotplates and 2 microwaves (optional)
- In the bar: 2 fridges
4 toilettes et 2 urinoirs (papier toilette non-fourni)
The equipment related to the kitchen as well as that related to the sound system are options, available on request (at the signing of the contract) and at an additional cost (as mentioned above). Thus, we offer the possibility of renting a sound system for the sum of 10€ (20€ in the event of a non-student initiative). This system connects to the speakers in the room and contains a mixer as well as a jack and USB port. We also offer access to the equipped kitchen at the price of 30€ (60€ in the event of a non-student initiative).
How to rent the room
- If your reservation is validated, pay the total amount of the rental (rent and deposit) to account BE30 3630 0670 9511 with the structured communication present on your invoice
- If your reservation is validated, pay the total amount of the rental (rent and deposit) to account BE30 3630 0670 9511 with the structured communication present on your invoice
- You will then be invited to visit the offices of the AGL to sign your rental contract and set an inventory time for entry and exit. It is only with the signing of the contract that the lease will be considered firm. However, the good performance of the latter remains subject to compliance with the general conditions of use.
- Once the inventory is complete, you will receive your possible deposit usually two weeks later. However, the AGL cannot be held liable for an exceptionally longer repayment period than usual.
Permanences: Tuesdays and Thursdays from 1pm to 2pm at the AGL offices.
Apart from these hotlines, we will unfortunately not be able to have you complete or sign room rental contracts. We draw your attention to the fact that during the holiday, blockade and exam periods, the "room" services are not provided as usual. Please inquire before coming to the offices. Thank you for your understanding.
Nous offrons possibilité de louer un système de sonorisation. Ce système se branche sur les baffles de la salle et contient une table de mixage ainsi qu’un port jack et USB.
One-time rental
You can rent the Joanne Simpson room occasionnally for an event lasting a few hours up to a day.
Recurring rental
You can rent the Rosa Luxembourg room on a regular basis, for a whole semester or for the year (excluding exam and holiday periods). A rental is considered as recurring when the room is rented, by the same organization, six times or more per term and 12 times or more per academic year. Rental rates and conditions vary from daily rental rates and conditions.
The selection of so-called "regular" tenants is made on file to be sent to us by email at the address
In addition to the rental fee, hirers must pay a deposit. The deposit is €350 unless the hirer has a stamp from the Organe, the Fédé or the GCL (see procedure below).
In addition, the tenant must pay water and electricity charges. These charges are deducted from the deposit: the meters will be read when the apartment is inspected on arrival and departure. On average, this amounts to €10/night without the kitchen and €18/night with the optional kitchen.
Special provisions
If your initiative comes from a kot-à-projet, a circle or a regional and your rental is for a short period, you can benefit from a reduced deposit, provided that your collective is the guarantor. In this case, the deposit is €75.
To take advantage of this benefit, you need to have the document authorising you to benefit from the reduced deposit completed by your reference collective. This document can be downloaded below (depending on your collective).
Please note: there is no point in coming to the LGA to obtain this document (or printing the contract). This document must be duly completed by the day you sign the contract, to which it will be attached.

Circles can benefit from the GCL deposit system. Subject to completion of this form, the deposit is only €75.

Non-student collective
For student projects that are not part of a collective (kot-à-projet, circle or regional) or outside the student environment (association, company, etc.), the deposit is €350.

Regionals can benefit from the Fédé's deposit system. Subject to completion of this form, the deposit is only €75.

Kots-à-projet can benefit from the Organe's deposit system. Subject to completion of this form, the deposit is only €75.