The AGL has several rooms available to students:
- Hannah Arendt room
- Rosa Luxemburg room
- Joanne Simpson room
Each of our rooms fulfills a particular role to host your events in the best conditions. Note, however, that under no circumstances can the rooms rented from the AGL be used for the organization of guindaille-type dance evenings or for the accommodation or housing of anyone. Rental is reserved for socio-cultural initiatives.

Hannah Arendt room
Capacity : +/- 30 people
Event type : conferences, dinners, debates, meetings, workshops, …

Rosa Luxembourg room
Capacity : +/- 80 people
Event type : conferences, dinners, debates, meetings, workshops, …

Joanne Simpson room
Capacity : +/- 120 people
Event type : plays, concerts, big shows of all kinds, folk balls,...
How to rent a room?
- Select a room and select an available date for your activity..
- Fill in the appropriate booking form. We send you a confirmation email, usually after a few days, excluding weekends and blockades
- If your reservation is validated, pay the total amount of the rental (rent and deposit) to account BE30 3630 0670 9511 with the structured communication present on your invoice
- You will then be invited to go to the AGL offices with your printed proof of payment to sign your rental contract and set a time for the check-in and check-out inventory. It is only with the signing of the contract that the rental will be considered firm. The good behavior of this one remains however subject to the respect of the general conditions of use.
- Once the inventory has been completed, you will receive your deposit, if any, generally two weeks later. However, AGL cannot be held liable for a repayment period that is exceptionally longer than usual.
Permanences : les mardis et jeudis de 13h à 14h aux bureaux de l’AGL.
Please note: during the holiday, blockade and exam periods, the "room" services are not provided as usual. Please inquire before coming to the offices. Thank you for your understanding.
Particular dispositions
- In the event of late signing of the contract (i.e. less than 48 hours before the rental), a supplement of €30 will be added to the rental.
- In the event of last minute cancellation (i.e. less than 48 hours before the rental), the room rental price will not be refunded.
- In the event of a delay during the check-in or check-out inventory, the tenant is liable to a fixed fine of €30 deducted from the deposit.
- In case of rental from Friday, the rental is automatically for the whole weekend, at the weekend rate. Please note: rentals for the weekend are only possible with an exemption, granted by the Vice-Rector for Student Affairs. For the procedure, please go to the page of the room you wish to rent.
General rental conditions for AGL rooms
If you have any questions, you can contact Adeline and Charlotte, our jobists in charge of managing the rooms either directly or at
Adeline Blariau
Jobist responsible for room logistics
Office hours
Tuesday: 1 to 2 p.m.
Thursday: 1pm to 2pm
Charlotte Mathieu
Jobist responsible for room administration
Office hours
Tuesday: 1 to 2 p.m.
Thursday: 1pm to 2pm