En application à partir du 01/02/2024

Article 1. Purpose

​​a) Hannah Arendt room

The Hannah Arendt room belongs to UCLouvain and is rented by the AGL. It is located at 35 Porte Lemaitre (entrance possible via 67 Rue des Wallons), 1348 Louvain-la-Neuve, and has a surface area of 97 square metres. Rental contracts concluded between the AGL and a tenant are, strictly speaking, sub-letting contracts. For ease of reference, these contracts are referred to as rental contracts.

b) Rosa Luxembourg room

The Rosa Luxembourg Room is owned by UCLouvain and rented by the AGL. The room is located at 35 Porte Lemaitre, 1348 Louvain-la-Neuve, and has a surface area of 183 square metres. Rental contracts concluded between the AGL and a tenant are, strictly speaking, sub-letting contracts. For ease of reference, these contracts are referred to as rental contracts.

c) Joanne Simpson room

La salle Joanne Simpson est une salle appartenant à l’UCLouvain et dont la location est gérée par l’AGL. La salle est située au 1b Place des Sciences, 1348 Louvain-la-Neuve, et est d’une superficie de 245 mètreThe Joanne Simpson room belongs to UCLouvain and is rented by the AGL. The room is located at 1b Place des Sciences, 1348 Louvain-la-Neuve, and has a surface area of 245 square metres. Rental contracts concluded between the AGL and a tenant are, strictly speaking, sub-letting contracts. For ease of reference, these contracts are referred to as lease contracts.s carrés. Les contrats de location conclus entre l’AGL et un·e locataire sont, stricto sensu, des contrats de sous-location. Par mesure de facilité, ces contrats sont désignés comme contrat de location.

Article 2. Fields of application

These terms and conditions govern the relationship between the hirer of the room and the lessor, i.e. the AGL (hereinafter referred to as the lessor). Any rental of an AGL room implies unreserved acceptance of these general rental conditions, supplemented or amended by our special conditions (i.e. rental contracts).

Article 3. Destination of the premises

The AGL rooms are used by all students for cultural and leisure activities. They are reserved for the following uses:
​● activities such as theatrical performances, philosophical cafés, cultural and musical shows not exceeding 80 decibels, exhibitions, various artistic expressions, meetings, evening debates, exhibitions, film screenings, storytelling evenings, ... ;
​● course dinners and banquets without dancing;
​● organisation of cultural events likely to meet the concerns of the student community as a whole, with the exception of any noisy events (dances); 

It is not possible to hire these rooms for birthdays, dances, guindals, activities linked to student baptisms or "corona", alumni dinners, etc. In all cases, the prospective tenant will be asked to describe the use he/she intends to make of the room. In all cases, the future tenant will be asked to describe how he or she intends to use the room. The decision to hire an AGL room, with regard to the type of activity desired, is left to the sole discretion of the AGL. If the activity organised does not comply with what was announced at the time of booking, the AGL reserves the right to cancel the booking, to clear the room before the scheduled closing time and/or to charge a fine.

De manière générale, le niveau sonore dans les salles ne doit pas excéder les 80 décibels.

Article 4. Type of rental possible

An AGL room can be rented on a recurring basis, when the room is rented, by the same organisation, six times or more per term and 12 times or more per academic year. 

An AGL room can be rented on a one-off basis, i.e. for a specific time or activity.

Hire is possible from Sunday evening to Thursday evening inclusive. Weekend hire, i.e. from Friday to Sunday during the day, is subject to an exemption granted by the Vice-Rector for Student Affairs at least 15 days before the date of the event. The procedure is detailed on the website. In principle, a request for hire on a Friday automatically means that the room will be hired for the whole weekend. In all cases, AGL rooms can only be hired during the academic year and therefore cannot be hired during the summer holidays (July-August).

Une année académique, au sens des présentes conditions, commence en septembre et se termine en juin. Elle est composée de deux quadrimestres.

Article 4bis. Rental options

In the Joanne Simpson room, it is possible to hire the kitchen and/or a sound system on an optional basis. These options must be requested and involve supplements. Rates are those in force at the time of hire, as stated on the hire contract and on the website..

En cas de location de la cuisine, le·la locataire reconnaît que cet espace est une zone alimentaire, et s’engage ainsi à respecter les règles d'hygiène de l’AFSCA.

En cas de location du système son, le·la locataire prend connaissance du mode d’emploi de l’appareil. Il ou elle veille à l’utiliser correctement et avec le plus grand soin. L’activité est organisée de manière à protéger un maximum le système son, afin de réduire le risque d’accident. Tout dysfonctionnement du système survenu lors de l’utilisation doit être notifié au·à la responsable “salles” de l’AGL effectuant l’état des lieux de sortie. Tout dysfonctionnement ou dégât occasionné au matériel sera sanctionné.

A video projection system can be hired as an optional extra in the Rosa Luxembourg room. This option must be requested and will incur an additional charge. Rates are those in force at the time of hire, as stated on the hire contract and on the website.

Article 5. Licensed rental times

All activities must end by 1am at the latest. After this time, calm and peaceful occupation by organisers wishing to tidy up the room will be tolerated. As AGL halls are not open to the public, no exemption may be requested from the police. The hirer must ensure that the public disperses peacefully.

Article 6. Duration, signature and validity of the contract

​The contract is concluded for a fixed period, as specified in the special conditions. In all cases, the contract commences on signature of the contract in due and proper form and expires either on the day of the last scheduled rental in the case of a regular rental, or on signature of the inventory of fixtures in the case of a one-off rental, and in all cases at the end of the current academic year. The contract must be signed no later than 48 hours before the (first) rental and in any case during a "rooms" duty period set aside for this purpose, subject to a fine of €30, or outright cancellation of the reservation, at the discretion of the AGL.

The rental agreement will only be considered effective :
1. if it is signed by both the tenant and a representative of the AGL,
2. if the necessary proofs of payment and any proof of exemption are attached.

Any contract containing only a signature and/or no proof of payment will be considered null and void.

Article 7. Payment of rent

The rental price depends on the type of rental (recurring or one-off, student or non-student, weekday or weekend). If you rent on a Friday, the weekend rate will automatically apply. Prices are those in force at the time of rental, as stated on the rental contract and on the website. The hirer is required to pay the deposit and the rent and any fines for the room into account BE30 3630 0670 9511 by the time the contract is signed at the latest.

Article 8. Deposit

a) Hannah Arendt and Rosa Luxembourg rooms

​In order to ensure the proper and full performance of his/her obligations, the lessee agrees to pay a deposit of 75 euros on signing the contract. This deposit will be used to cover fines, invoicing for damage and any other debt that the tenant may incur towards the lessor.

If the deposit is sufficient to cover all the tenant's debts, the balance will be refunded within two weeks (15 days) of the end of the reservation. These deadlines are for information only and the AGL cannot be held responsible for an exceptionally longer repayment period.
Otherwise, the hirer undertakes to pay the amount of the invoices not covered by the deposit into account BE30 3630 0670 9511 as soon as possible.

b) Joanne Simpson room

​In order to ensure that his/her obligations are fulfilled in full, the hirer agrees to pay a € deposit when signing the contract. The room deposit is €350. In the case of student initiatives run by the Organe, the GCL or the regional federation, it is possible to benefit from a reduced deposit, subject to receipt of proof of the stamp of these organisations, which guarantee the deposit. This proof must be attached to this contract by the date of signature. Subject to this condition, the deposit is €75.

If the deposit is sufficient to cover all the tenant's debts, the balance will be refunded within two weeks (15 days) of the end of the reservation. These deadlines are for information only and the AGL cannot be held responsible for an exceptionally longer repayment period.
Otherwise, the hirer undertakes to pay the amount of the invoices not covered by the deposit into account BE30 3630 0670 9511 as soon as possible.

Article 9. Inventory

An inventory of fixtures and fittings is carried out at the beginning and end of each rental period (i.e. the first and last rental periods for regular contracts). It will be carried out by both parties, in the presence of the tenant and the "rooms" manager. In the event of a substantial delay on the part of the hirer during one of these inspections, a fixed fine of €30 may be deducted from the deposit for each inspection concerned.. 

A fine may be imposed on the tenant in the event of damage noted at the time of the departure inventory or in the event of non-compliance with one of the general terms and conditions during or after the rental period. The amount of this fine is left to the discretion of the AGL, based on the schedule of damages appended to these general terms and conditions. This fine must be paid into account BE30 3630 0670 9511 as soon as possible.

Article 10. Keys

a) One-time rentals

The keys are handed over at the entry inspection. The tenant who comes to the inventory of fixtures to collect the keys confirms that he/she has complied with the procedure and is in possession of a rental agreement duly completed and signed by both parties. The keys are returned by the tenant at the check-out.

b) Recurring rentals

The keys are handed over on the day of each rental. The tenant goes to the AGL offices to collect the keys, at the time agreed with the AGL. The tenant returns the keys in person to one of the AGL representatives, if possible at the end of the rental period, and at the latest by noon on the day following each rental period. On a case-by-case basis, within the limits of the keys available and at the discretion of the AGL, a duplicate set of keys may be entrusted to the recurring tenant for the duration of the recurring rental. In such a case, the rental contract will specify that a duplicate key will be given and a deposit of €25 per key will be requested from the tenant.

​c) Common provision

If a key is lost or not returned, a fine of €250 will be charged for each missing key, corresponding to the cost of a new cylinder and new keys. This amount must be paid into account BE30 3630 0670 9511 as soon as possible.

Article 11. Damage

The lessee is responsible for all damage caused during the rental period, on the basis of the inventory on arrival, to the movable or immovable property. On the basis of the entry and exit inventories, an invoice will be drawn up for any damage caused to the equipment and property sublet when the lessor has the necessary information to draw up the said invoice. By signing the inventory of fixtures at the end of the rental period, the Tenant accepts the invoice as it will be drawn up, and waives any form of dispute with regard to this invoice.

Article 12. Room occupancy

The room may only be occupied at the end of the activity, as stated in the rental contract. Use of the room must be peaceful and respectful of the premises, the furniture and the neighbours.

The following activities are not permitted in the room:

  • smoking;
  • lodge ;
  • bring animals, with the exception of service animals ;
  • bring flying pumps ;
  • use nails, tacks or brown sticky paper on walls, ceilings and equipment;
  • build a fire in the hall or outside areas ;
  • use disposable cups.

Le·la locataire s’engage à n’utiliser que des gobelets réutilisables (ou de la verrerie).

Article 13. Storage

The room furniture, accessories and products all have a specific place. The hirer undertakes not to move them, insofar as possible, and to return them to their place if necessary. If an item is not in its place at the time of the departure inventory, the AGL or its representatives reserve the right to deduct from the deposit an amount proportional to the quantity of items to be moved.

Article 14. Cleaning

Le·la locataire s’engage à respecter le lieu ainsi que le matériel qui s’y trouve. Le·la locataire sera particulièrement attentif·ve à ne pas laisser de traces de buddies et de papier collant sur les murs, les vitres et les tables, et à ne pas détériorer la peinture. Le·la locataire est responsable du nettoyage des locaux cités, en ce compris les sanitaires et les abords extérieurs. Ce nettoyage doit être effectué avant l’état des lieux de sortie lors duquel le sol devra être sec.
Les poubelles devront être sorties et déposées dans l’édicule poubelle. Les sanitaires sont, en tout temps, propres, utilisables et accessibles.
Les abords des surfaces sont nettoyés pour 04h00 du matin conformément au plan du quadrillage (affiché dans la salle d'animation).  Pour la salle Rosa Luxembourg il s’agit de la cage d’escalier du rez-de-chaussée au niveau 1.
Si, lors de l'état des lieux de sortie, le nettoyage n'est pas suffisant aux yeux l’AGL ou ses représentant·es, il est possible d'obtenir un délai supplémentaire courant jusqu'à au plus tard l'état des lieux d'entrée de la prochaine réservation. Si, suite à ce délai, l'état de propreté de la salle est jugé satisfaisant, alors il est possible de réduire l'amende liée au nettoyage de 50%. 

Article 15. Amendes

En cas de non-respect des différentes règles présentes dans ce document, l'AGL ou ses représentant·es se réserve le droit d'infliger des amendes au collectif concerné. Il s'agit d'une mesure dissuasive et non d'un moyen de se substituer aux différentes règles émises. 
Tant que toutes les amendes d'un collectif ne sont pas acquittées, le dit collectif se verra systématiquement refuser ses prochaines demandes de réservation et ses locations déjà approuvées seront suspendues.
Les différents cas d'amendes ainsi que leur montant se trouvent dans l'annexe prévue à cet effet.

Article 15. Security

Communal areas, in particular entrance halls, staircases, landings and corridors, etc., must be kept clear at all times. Emergency exits must be kept clear at all times. Under no circumstances may the tenant gain access to roofs. Balconies, terraces and green areas must be kept clear at all times. It is forbidden to light fires. It is strictly forbidden to store or use any gas- or alcohol-fuelled appliances or cylinders in the building, or to modify in any way whatsoever the installations or equipment provided by the Logistics and Student Accommodation Service.

Article 16. VAT

As the lessor is not liable for VAT, the lessee cannot deduct VAT from invoices issued by the lessor.

Article 17. SABAM (Belgian Society of Authors, Composers and Publishers)

If the hirer organises an event using works subject to copyright (music, theatre, literature, choreography, photos, paintings, etc.), he/she undertakes to fulfil his/her obligations to SABAM. In other words, the organiser undertakes to declare the event at least ten days before it takes place and to pay the remuneration due. The AGL may under no circumstances be held liable to SABAM for any misuse of works subject to copyright.

Article 18. Assignment or sublease

Any transfer or sub-letting (stricto sensu) is strictly forbidden. The tenant may not act as a nominee.

Article 19. Cancellation

Any cancellation by either party must be communicated and justified to the other party as soon as possible. In the event of cancellation by the hirer within 48 hours, no refund will be made. In the event of cancellation by the AGL, the rental price will be refunded to the hirer.
In the event of cancellation of several recurrent rentals, the AGL reserves the right to convert the recurrent rental into a one-off rental, if the criteria are no longer met, and thus to adjust the rates charged.

Article 20. Insurance

The lessee expressly declares that, for the entire duration of the agreement, except in cases of wilful misconduct, he/she waives all recourse against UCLouvain, its staff and students, as well as the AGL, its staff and students, in respect of articles 1386 and 1721 of the Civil Code, as well as in respect of inconveniences and/or material and/or immaterial damage occurring during occupation, including accidental deterioration and/or interruptions that may occur to the water, electricity, heating, bell or any other installations serving the building. Any tenant who is not a student organisation linked to UCLouvain must be covered, at least for the duration of the contract, by operational civil liability insurance; any tenant must be covered by private civil liability insurance. By signing the rental contract, the hirer confirms that he/she is in possession of such insurance.

Article 21. Compliance with general conditions and safety instructions

Failure to comply with the general conditions or safety instructions will be considered a serious offence and may result in fines. The amount of these fines will be at the sole discretion of the AGL. The AGL also reserves the right to apply other sanctions, such as a ban on hiring one of the rooms managed by the AGL again, or to inform UCLouvain of non-compliance.

Article 22. Personal data

The AGL undertakes to comply with regulations relating to the protection of personal data. The data collected for the purposes of the rental contract are processed solely for the execution of the contract and in accordance with the AGL's Privacy Policy. The data will not be kept beyond the end of the contract. The tenant gives his/her free and informed consent, by signing the contract, to the processing of personal data, as mentioned above.

Article 23. Dispute

In the event of a dispute concerning the application of any point in these rules, the tenant shall contact the person representing the AGL in charge of the rooms. If no agreement is reached, the hirer may contact the permanent staff member in charge of the rooms, who will, if necessary, organise mediation between the parties concerned. For all matters not expressly regulated by these terms and conditions, the parties submit to the law and to the practices of the premises. Belgian law shall apply. After having exhausted all avenues of conciliation, the parties shall submit any dispute relating to the hire of the hall to the courts of the judicial district of Walloon Brabant.

Note : In the event of any discrepancies between the different language versions of these regulations, the french version shall prevail

Annexe. Fines grids

This table is for information only. It may be adapted and modified. When a concrete situation is not covered by this scale, the amount of the damage will be assessed by the AGL, objectively, at its sole discretion. In any case, the AGL reserves the right to freely determine the total and final amount of the fines, depending on the specific situation.

Non-compliance with conditions


Minor offences


Mid offences

Loss of the entire deposit (€75 or €350) and warning

Failure to comply with an essential clause

Loss of the entire deposit (€75 or €350) and ban on using the hall

Delay or failure to comply with scheduled EDL times


No-shows at opening hours 48 hours before the event


Non-respect des limites sonores (Salle Rosa Luxembourg seulement)

Dépassement au-dessus de 90dB


Dépassement au-dessus de 100db

2,5€/min (en plus des 0,5€)

 Une tolérance de 30min est appliquée pour le dépassement de 90dB. Le montant maximum de l'amende concernant les limites n'excèdera pas 100€



Surface cleaning

- Sanitary

20€ per toilet

- Joanne Simpson room


- Rosa Luxembourg room


- Hannah Arendt room


- Joanne Simpson kitchen


- Rosa Luxembourg kitchen
- Outdoor Joanne Simpson
10€ par vitre
Furniture cleaning

10€ par table
- Brewing benches
10€ par banc
- Fridges (if applicable)
25€ per fridge
- Baken (if applicable)
- Microwaves (if applicable)
30€ par micro-onde
- Dishwasher (if applicable)
Furniture damage

82.28 for each broken table, and half that amount for minor damage
- Brewing benches
75.60 per bench and half that amount in the event of lesser damage
- Fridges (if applicable)
To be assessed with LOGE (not applicable in the event of normal wear and tear)
- Baken (if applicable)
To be assessed with LOGE (not applicable in the event of normal wear and tear)
- Microwaves (if applicable)
To be assessed with LOGE (not applicable in the event of normal wear and tear)
- Dishwasher (if applicable)
To be assessed with LOGE (not applicable in the event of normal wear and tear)
- Sink plugs (if applicable)
To be assessed with LOGE (not applicable in the event of normal wear and tear)
- Projectors
Partial damage: to be assessed by the AGL
Total damage: €200
- Removable screen for projector
Partial damage: to be assessed by the AGL
Total damage: €200
Paintings and extraordinary traces
5€ per square metre

- Price per key
To be assessed with LOGE
Damage requiring external repair
To be assessed with LOGE
Fire extinguishers

- Replacement 6kg
- 6kg refill

- Replacement sockets or complete switches
25€ - 50€
- Loose switch or socket
- Neon/lamp degradation
To be assessed with LOGE 
Sanitary facilities interventions

- Uncorking
To be assessed with LOGE
- Material damage
To be assessed with LOGE 

- Total damage
To be assessed with LOGE
- Degradation
To be assessed with LOGE